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Showing 37 results for Spirit baptism

Spirit Baptism and Sanctification

John 1:26-33

What is the relationship of the baptism of the Holy Spirit to the other things that the Holy Spirit supplies and how He acts and moves? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones takes on the topic of sanctification and the baptism of the Holy Spirit and shows the ways in which they do, and do not, have a relation to each other. Being baptized by the Holy Spirit occurs for Christians when they are born again and are made new through saving faith in Jesus Christ. Thus, it is an instantaneous, one-time event. Sanctification, however, is a life-long process of being shaped into the image of Christ that starts at salvation, but does not end until that believer is brought face-to-face with the Lord after they die. In preaching this sermon from John 1:26–33 titled “Spirit Baptism and Sanctification,” Dr. Lloyd-Jones makes his argument as to why there is no direct correlation between baptism of the Holy Spirit and sanctification, specifically because the baptism of the Holy Spirit is mostly for boldness and power in witnessing. Although spiritual gifts at the church of Corinth were evident, Paul wrote a scathing letter to them because they were not pursuing the Lord, and thus were not progressing in their sanctification. Yet, despite all this, Dr. Lloyd-Jones presents his case for why there is a clear, indirect relationship. He unpacks this and more in this helpful sermon on baptism of the Holy Spirit and how it affects the day-to-day lives of the followers of Christ.