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Other Sermons

Series Summary

285 sermons ranging across 19 of the books and letters in the New Testament, all preached at Westminster Chapel. Some were preached in short series, others were individual sermons.


The Unrighteous Shall not Inherit

1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Many today believe that society has progressed beyond their need for the Bible. Through education, culture, art, and sophistication, they believe that humanity has found hope beyond the brokenness. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 6:9–11 titled “The Unrighteous Shall not Inherit,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points out that the Bible deals with real life. The sins of today are no different than the sins of ancient Corinth. Today, sin has been normalized. What the Bible calls wicked, the modern world justifies. Fornication is excused. Adultery is condoned in some situations. Homosexuality has been declared right. Lying is tolerated. Everything is considered relative. Some believe moral teaching is the hope. Jesus did not merely come to give exhortations. Others believe training is the hope. No amount of education can correct the human heart. Human hope is not in ability, cleverness, or wealth. Studying 1 Corinthians 6:9–11, Dr. Lloyd-Jones examines the problem of sin and its remedy. Humans are unrighteous by nature and what matters is righteousness. Do not be deceived. The need for humanity is to be washed, sanctified, and justified. This is the timeless message of Christianity. Jesus has come to save humanity from sin so they can inherit the kingdom of God. He died for their transgressions and was raised for their justification.

Test Yourself

1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians 12:31

The Apostle Paul’s most famous chapter on love is often praised for its poetic beauty and aesthetics. But should we reduce 1 Corinthians 13 to ornate language and mere sentimentality? Should we instead tremble at Paul’s love chapter? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones suggests the latter. The Scriptures are clear about the danger of drifting and it is possible, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, for a person to think they are Christian when they are in fact not a Christian at all. Therefore, they must examine themselves. But because the heart is deceitful due to sin, one must examine themself in the right way – the true way, and 1 Corinthians 12:31–13:3 is a passage for true self-examination. Dr. Lloyd-Jones argues that Paul is dealing with a church that has put its hope in what they do – miracles, tongues, healings – rather than the most important fact that they are Christians through the new birth. Dr. Lloyd-Jones warns that people can perform extraordinary works and yet not be born again. He says all works of intellect, sacrifice, speaking, gifts to the poor, and general kindness can be counterfeit by sinful people and the devil himself. But there is one proof which cannot be counterfeit, and that is love. True love from the heart manifested outwardly cannot be falsified because God’s nature is love, and the Christian partakes in that divine nature through the new birth. The Christian should test themself according to the sure and true Word of God.
