The Everlasting Gospel
Sermon Description
Many Christians ask themselves the question: why don’t unbelievers believe in the gospel? Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones gives a bold answer to this question in this sermon on Revelation 21:1 titled “The Everlasting Gospel.” He says many do not believe in the gospel because the church has been unclear on what the gospel is. For this reason, he preaches a sermon exploring what the gospel is and why it is called “the everlasting gospel.” The gospel is everlasting because its author, God Himself, is everlasting. God’s glory and purposes are everlasting; they never fail or come to an end. This is in stark contrast to the worldly glory of humanity that lasts for a brief time and is then forgotten. The gospel is good news because it comes from a God who does not change or fade away. He is not loving one minute, and then hateful the next. The gospel is a message of hope because it comes from a God of unchanging love and mercy. Furthermore, this gospel is the hope for all in all times. Modern humanity does not need a new gospel. Jesus is a perfect savior to all who believe in Him, regardless of who they are, what they have done, or when they live.
Sermon Breakdown
- The everlasting gospel is the only message that can be described as everlasting. All else is temporary like grass and flowers.
- The everlasting gospel comes from God, who is eternal and unchanging. His word endures forever.
- Jesus Christ, the subject of the gospel, is the same yesterday, today and forever. The gospel depends on him, so it is everlasting.
- The everlasting gospel was planned in eternity before the world began. It is not dependent on the changing times.
- There will never be another gospel. This is the only gospel, the only way of salvation. No other way can reconcile man to God.
- Jesus completed the work of atonement. Nothing needs to be added. No new gospel is needed.
- The everlasting gospel saves from everlasting destruction. It deals with man's eternal destiny.
- The everlasting gospel opens the way to eternal life and heaven. It makes us fit for eternity in God's presence.
- The everlasting gospel has conquered every enemy, including sin, death, and the devil.
- The everlasting gospel will continue until God's work is complete and his eternal kingdom comes.
- Nothing can shake or remove the everlasting gospel. It is grounded in God's eternal power.
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Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was a Welsh evangelical minister who preached and taught in the Reformed tradition. His principal ministry was at Westminster Chapel, in central London, from 1939-1968, where he delivered multi-year expositions on books of the bible such as Romans, Ephesians and the Gospel of John. In addition to the MLJ Trust’s collection of 1,600 of these sermons in audio format, most of these great sermon series are available in book form (including a 14 volume collection of the Romans sermons), as are other series such as "Spiritual Depression", "Studies in the Sermon on the Mount" and "Great Biblical Doctrines". He is considered by many evangelical leaders today to be an authority on biblical truth and the sufficiency of Scripture.