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Sermon #PP17

Questions & Answers (1)



Sermon Description

As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones finishes his lectures on preaching and preachers, he answers student questions. In this first part titled “Questions & Answers (1),” Dr. Lloyd-Jones responds to the following questions: If he is preaching God’s word, why would a preacher ever cease to be gripped by his sermon? Why use illustrations from Scripture as opposed to modern-day situations? Is the preacher synonymous with elder? Reflecting on these questions and more, he warns against the repetition of sermons becoming mechanical. Addressing illustrations, he emphasizes the benefits of using Scripture. On the question of preaching and elders, Dr. Lloyd-Jones appeals to the use of multiple preachers and multiple preaching opportunities within the church. This leads to a question on the modern day use of the term “spirit-filled” and charismatic gifts. The power for preaching, Dr. Lloyd-Jones explains, is the anointing of the Spirit on a person for service and preaching. Spirit-filled preaching, therefore, is preaching that is clear, pointed, and comes with the forcefulness of truth. Listen in as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones interacts with his students in a winsome and humorous manner, emphasizing and summarizing important points from his “Preaching and Preachers” lecture series.

Sermon Breakdown

  1. Question: How often should a sermon be preached? Answer: Stop preaching a sermon when it ceases to grip you.
  2. Clarification: There is a difference between the content (truth) and form (delivery method) of a sermon. The truth does not change but the delivery can become mechanical.
  3. Question: Would you distinguish or define the infilling of the Spirit, the baptism and the anointing? Answer: The baptism of the Spirit refers to the power given at Pentecost for witnessing. The anointing also refers to power for service and preaching. These terms are interchangeable. They are not the same as sanctification. Sanctification is progressive growth in holiness. The power of the Spirit can influence sanctification but is not the same as it.
  4. Question: Is the baptism of the Spirit for all Christians? Answer: The command to be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18) is for all Christians but the baptism of power is sovereignly given by the Spirit, not under our control. Not all Christians receive this power for preaching.
  5. Illustration: The relationship between sanctification and the baptism of the Spirit is like a farmer sowing seed and waiting for rain. Sanctification is the gradual growth of the seed. The rain (Spirit's power) causes sudden spurts of growth but is not the growth itself.
  6. Question: How would you train a theological student to preach? Answer: Preaching ability is a gift that can be developed but not created. It emerges as people discover their gifts. Training helps improve a preacher but does not make them a preacher. The preacher must have a call from God and natural abilities.
  7. Question: What is the difference between elders and preachers? Answer: The NT refers to pastors, teachers, elders and preachers. Elders and preachers had different roles. Preachers focused on teaching and preaching while elders had a broader leadership role. The one-man ministry developed later but some churches still had multiple teachers and preachers. The ideal is a balance of the one-man ministry and opportunities for others to exercise their gifts.
  8. Question: How much should we depend on feelings in preaching? Answer: We must be careful with feelings. Pride and the devil can influence feelings of failure or success in preaching. Early on, preachers can be overly concerned with people's opinions. Later, preachers can be overly concerned with their own success. The most mature are unconcerned with themselves and rely on God. However, preachers should aim to be used by God and know when the Spirit is upon them. Feelings are difficult to evaluate but we must avoid extremes.
  9. Question: What is the connection between the anointing to preach and the gifts of tongues, miracles, etc.? Answer: 1 Cor 12 teaches the gifts are given sovereignly as the Spirit wills. History shows some preachers received power to preach but not tongues or miracles. So the gifts are not necessary evidence of the Spirit's power. However, the Spirit may choose to grant these gifts again. We cannot claim or work up spiritual gifts - they are under the Spirit's control. Speaking in tongues that can be done at will is not consistent with 1 Cor 14:18 and is likely psychological, not spiritual.
  10. Question: Did the charismatic gifts cease with the apostles? Answer: No, the Spirit may grant these gifts again in His sovereignty. However, they have not been commonly given since the apostles. We cannot claim or work up spiritual gifts. While miracles authenticated the apostles' ministry, the Spirit may still work in exceptional ways according to His will. The Spirit's work did not end with the apostles but we must test claims of His work against Scripture.

Sermons: Preaching and Preachers

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was a Welsh evangelical minister who preached and taught in the Reformed tradition. His principal ministry was at Westminster Chapel, in central London, from 1939-1968, where he delivered multi-year expositions on books of the bible such as Romans, Ephesians and the Gospel of John. In addition to the MLJ Trust’s collection of 1,600 of these sermons in audio format, most of these great sermon series are available in book form (including a 14 volume collection of the Romans sermons), as are other series such as "Spiritual Depression", "Studies in the Sermon on the Mount" and "Great Biblical Doctrines". He is considered by many evangelical leaders today to be an authority on biblical truth and the sufficiency of Scripture.