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Itinerant Preaching

Series Summary

A collection of 85 sermons that Martyn Lloyd-Jones preached between 1957 and 1980 at various churches and colleges; outside of his main ministry at Westminster Chapel.


Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, and Arminianism

Single Sermons at Unknown Venues

What is the responsibility of evangelism? In this sermon titled “Calvinism, Hyper-Calvinism, and Arminianism,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones distinguishes between the three from a biblical perspective in regards to evangelism. There is a great confusion today between mere activity and real spiritual work. People are always impressed by activity, but this is often carnal zeal and activism. What is “prayer-backing”? Do Calvinists need to be reminded of the responsibility of evangelism in ministry? What is the right motive for evangelism? Learn of the history of Calvinism and the over-correction that often results. Hyper-Calvinists press logic so far that they do not give the free offer of salvation to others. Hear of election, predestination, and human responsibility, and of the biblical truths that cannot be logically reconciled. God alone is responsible for salvation, while humanity alone is responsible for damnation. Listen as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones argues that a person ought to be a great Calvinist who preaches like an Arminian. Evangelism is the result of a great urge, not mere duty; it is an inevitable fruit, not something to be added. How did Christianity spread before the printing press? Look to God for help, rather than oneself; be filled with the glory of God, rather than statistics and organizations. Stand humbled before God.

Meeting Trials and Tribulations

Single Sermons at Unknown Venues 1 Peter 1:13

Persecution of Christians is on the rise around the world and it’s not limited by geography or governmental laws. How can people of faith stand strong in the face of trials and tribulations? Is it better to ignore the issues, or face them head-on? The Apostle Paul acknowledges that instead of encountering fewer trials, Christians will have more tribulations than those who aren’t saved. Biblical trials and tribulations come from striving to live godly lives in a world that hates anything that resembles God's holiness. But yet, they are still called to rejoice. This can be hard to do, and Christians may struggle with finding joy while going through hard times. Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that Christians, while talking about the joy and peace Jesus gives us, often respond to trials the same way the world does— with despair and anxiety. In this way, the Christian testimony does not line up with how they live their lives. In 1 Peter 3, the author challenges us to conquer this defeatist mindset, not by building up positive emotion, but rather by “girding up the loins” of the mind and by choosing to dwell on the greatness of salvation as shown in the biblical text. The Christian can often think too lightly about their salvation, but is encouraged to fight this and preach the gospel to themselves. God is the sovereign Father, and eternal inheritance in Him is guaranteed.

For Church and Minister

Single Sermons at Unknown Venues 2 Corinthians 5:11

How should pastors view the church? How should a church view its pastor? In this sermon on 2 Corinthians 5:11 titled “For Church and Minister,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones preaches on the importance of both a church and its pastor, and how the two relate to each other. Dr. Lloyd-Jones begins by laying out three points centered around Paul’s letters to various congregations and his relationship with them. First, an unsupportive church can greatly hinder the pastor and his ministry, and be a source of major contention that makes it hard for the shepherd to do his work. Second, a good church can fill a vital role by encouraging its pastor. This, Dr. Lloyd-Jones says, is one of the easiest yet most valuable things a church can do. Finally, as Paul declared in the epistle, a church filled with people seeking the Lord and following the pastor’s instruction is the best testimony he can have. Dr. Lloyd-Jones spends the latter half of his sermon addressing the role of the pastor. Like an ambassador, pastors are appointed by God to their position to speak on His behalf to His people. They are the shepherd, and their responsibility is not just to be the “nice guy,” but rather, one who speaks the truth of God’s word. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones expounds on these points and encourages pastors and churches to interact with each other in a way that pleases the Lord and reflects the relationship that Paul had with many of his congregations.

Assurance: To the Uncertain and to the Discouraged

Hawthorne Gospel Church Hebrews 4:14-16

In this sermon on Hebrews 4:14–16 titled “Assurance: To the Uncertain and to the Discouraged,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones discusses the theme of the preeminence of God, the importance of doctrine, and two crucial prescriptions for the Christian. Christians are unhappy because they are not as certain about their salvation as they ought to be. People like psychology with a little biblical terminology, and feeling like they are good people. The gospel is not merely for comfort. Two things are deemed to be inseparable prescriptions for the Christian. First, hold fast to the confession of the faith. Second, come boldly before the throne. Orthodoxy is not enough. Vague feelings and prayer are not enough. Learn the fallacy of the common phrase: “Christianity is caught not taught.” The Christian is an intellectual who knows who he believes, what he believes, and why he believes it. Hear about the confessions and catechisms created by people of God—Christians need a defined faith on which to hold fast. What is the Christian faith about? Christianity is not just positive thinking and comfort. Look at the person and work of Christ—the resurrection, Christ as representative, High Priest, Son of God, and Son of Man. Christ can sympathize with His people. The throne of justice is also the throne of grace and must be approached with reverence.
